

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mattis ante eu massa euismod, in vestibulum massa vehicula. Nam non arcu consequat, accumsan enim ac, sodales metus. In neque sem, pharetra ut nulla in, hendrerit facilisis lectus. Duis pharetra laoreet leo, non egestas dolor. Integer varius sapien nec euismod placerat. Vivamus et convallis erat, ac fringilla neque. Duis non orci sit amet felis cursus iaculis eu in augue. Ut tincidunt tellus lacus, nec accumsan massa posuere eu. Fusce dictum quis dolor quis aliquet. Vestibulum rhoncus, ligula in venenatis euismod, nisi tellus lobortis neque, vitae egestas nisl nunc in erat. Donec egestas mollis dui nec rhoncus. Nam non nisl nec mauris porttitor sagittis in eget enim. Curabitur tincidunt hendrerit libero, ac euismod quam bibendum vel.

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Starlight Foundation

At Starlight we know that happiness matters to sick kids facing the pain, fear and stress of serious illness.

That's why for over 30 years we've worked in partnership with health professionals to bring the fun, joy and laughter that helps sick kids be kids.

We help kids of all ages regardless of disability, injury or illness because what happens in childhood lasts a lifetime.

We believe in happiness because it matters to sick kids’ health.

Across Australia
Call Now 1300 727 827